Sunday, June 16, 2024

Bald Mountain A - June, 2024

 Cami and I had a weekend away while our kids were visiting family in Nebraska.  Time to climb a mountain! We settled on Bald Mountain near Breckenridge thinking it would be a good warm up for the summer.  We weren't sure of the snow conditions, but figured because it is a west facing route, that the snow would be mostly melted.  This turned out to be the case and made for a pleasant hike.  The night before we took some shots of Breckenridge for kicks, then headed up to car camp at Hoosier Pass for some restless tossing and turning. 

Breckenridge at night sunset
Breckenridge at Night - Prints Avialable

Sunrise on Quandary

The gate was closed heading up to the summer trailhead which added .7 miles to the hike both ways on an easy dirt road.  The hike to reach the ridge was straightforward with just enough snow crossings to bring out a little complaining from Cami :).  Once we gained the ridge, the route became progressively more challenging leading up to some exciting little talus hops near the summit.  The wind was pretty strong for the entire time above treelike.  Cami ran out of steam and motivation before the summit, but made it quite a ways up there.   

This mountain had the perfect view for a panoramic image of the entirety of the Tenmile Range.  I put together a poster with all the peaks labeled with their elevations:

And the 360 panoramic summit video...  It was hard to keep the camera steady in the winds: