Friday, August 2, 2024

My 100th 13er/14er summit - Clinton/McNamee/Traver Peaks - July 2024

 Starting on Longs Peak in college, it's taken me about 20 years to reach 100 differently named summits of peaks over 13,000 ft.  The hiking partner that I've done the most mountains with is my good buddy Brad.  He and I went for a hazy day triple this time up by Breckenridge.  All the haziness was due to the wildfires  from Canada.  We hiked a few miles up to Wheeler lake.  From that point on, it was all off trail on tundra and talus.  The steep climb up Clinton was work, but the rest of the loop was pretty easy going. 

Mt. Democrat

Heading up Clinton

Quandary Peak from Clinton's summit

Looking down on Climax Mine from Clinton's summit

McNamee (right) and Trevor (left)

100th Summit - McNamee Peak

Traver Peak

Old junk left all over the place on these peaks from mining activity

Once we reached the summit of our third and final peak of the loop hike, I realized I forgot my camera on the McNamee peak's summit.  Doh!  Guess we have to repeat that one!  

There it is!

Not excited to hike to the top of Traver again for our 5th summit, we figured out a way to bail between the saddle between Traver and McNamee.  Then the long talus stroll back to Wheeler lake. 

Looking back

Wheeler Lake

Near the lake, there are some falls that we decided to call "Paradise Falls".  They may have an official name, but we don't care.  We will forever call them by our renamed name. 

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